Thursday, October 19, 2006

BeyondChron Blues

Here is a letter I wrote in response to an article in BeyondChron. They haven't posted it, so I thought I would:

Dear Editor (Paul Hogarth):

Looking at BeyondChron's mission statement (quoted in part below), I think you did a disservice to the site with your October 16, 2006 piece ["Daly and the Seven Dwarves"]. Not only did you offer insults to the candidates collectively (with the exception of Daly), but also to some of the candidates personally (" George Dias is "Dopey" because he looks a bit dopey."; "But with his diminutive stature, stocky build (he's a former boxer) and advanced age, Robert Jordan is clearly 'Doc.'"), you also seemed to misrepresent the what was said in the debate.

As a political puff piece, the article represents the kind of political piece Daly himself stated he denounced. For instance, you take out of context my statements, and basically conjured up your own quote when you write, "[Manuel said that] what the street needed was a real diversity of housing that will attract "young urban professionals." The insinuation is in direct contradiction with my statements that the diversity of district 6 is being sold out by having high end condos dominate new construction and that we need to bring working class and middle class families into San Francisco. I invite your readers to judge for them selves my positions, as articulated in a prior debate with the League of Women Voters available here:

Let me conclude that in EVERY debate I've had with the other candidates, without exception, green bead wearng Daly supporters have approached me and stated that they approved not only my presentation in the debates, but the content. I think the piece represents a kind of FOX news journalism ethic, which is not journalism at all. If I had not consistently stated that my campaign was a symbolic campaign, that I would not take contributions, nor seek endorsements, I would find insulting the comments you made, not only about me, but to your own stated Mission:

"Welcome to Beyond Chron, the Voice of the Rest. We provide coverage of political and cultural issues often distorted or ignored by the Bay Area's largest newspaper, the San Francisco Chronicle...

[BeyondChron is a] daily internet newspaper will help restore some integrity to the news business in San Francisco..."


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